Rukira Michaelis
Dauntless Harbinger

"For what price does a man pay for these dark gifts that I offer..?"

Rukira is fascinated by life, seeing the darkest desires of man and their even deeper secrets. She is an observer, ever carefully working from behind a drawn curtain to move her pawns where they best fit her own needs. She is curious of this star with such morbid allure to remain entertained, lest she grow dreadfully dull and bored. Ever seeking knowledge and understanding the will of others. In her work or even interactions with others, she works to draw them closer to shape and mold them into a vulnerable state. To learn all that she can, use them, then move on to the next person. Rukira is like a narcissistic parasite, using those around her to fuel her own interests before they are long forgotten and hollow.Life is replaceable and the only person that matters in the world is herself. She is not above doing what needs to be done, regardless of what others may think of it. Yet, she's a reserved woman who bides her time and waits for the perfect opportunity to strike. Polite to a fault, Rukira plays with a pleasant mask for society. She understands the game and to achieve what she desires may take a few fake smiles and deception.Rukira is drawn to aetherial anomalies, often acting as a consultant in peculiar cases. She is drawn to the unknown often consumed to drown within the veiled riddles of arcane knowledge.At at quick glance, one could easily note the following:
■ A reserved woman, Rukira is observant to a fault preferring to let people expose themselves willingly.■ With an aura of malice of consuming hatred masked behind a forced smile, Rukira is a woman that is hard to approach unless one is desperate and lost.■ As a Highlander mixed with Midlander, Rukira is rather short for her kind though her presence would state otherwise.■ Prideful, Rukira speaks with a trained nobility. Every movement measured as every word is carefully chosen.■ She has no interest in small talk and can be incredibly dismissive of others that she doesn't know. Polite to a fault with a deceptive smile, her patience can grow thin rapidly if her interest wanes.

Hair color: BlondeEye color: LilacSkin tone: OliveBody type: Voluptuous, tonedOrientation: BisexualAccent: PoshDominant hand: AmbidextrousRace & Clan: Highlander and Midlander mixed )Age: Appears to be in her 30'sNameday: 31st Sun 5th Astral MoonPsychological Profile: INTJ The ArchitectScars: NoneTattoos/piercings: Pierced earsMost noticeable features: Eyes glow when channeling magic.
Place of birth: Ala Mhigo in Gyr Abania. Raised in Gridania and Ul'dah in later years.Siblings: Sirus HellheartParents: Galien (Father), Kesta (Mother, deceased)Pets: Atticus the cat
Occupation: Self employed. Takes on enigmatic jobs others tend to decline with a heavy interest in magical artifacts. Paid by the Guild to hunt down rogue mages.Runs the alchemical family business which is a cover for running drugs.Her husband Estien supplies weapons over seas and travels as a merchant.Current residence: Main estate in the Mist, office in the Goblet, apartment in Lavender Beds.Relationship status: Married.Financial status: Upper class, social elite.Vices: Smokes, booze, intimacy, aether.
Mental illnesses: NarcissismPhysical illnesses: Aether dependentSelf confidence level: Highly confidentAlignment: Neutral Evil

■ Ul'Dahni Syndicate: House Michaelis is a prestigious family of merchants spanning generations past in the Alchemist trade. Selling cures to the sick and poor, their rich estate is built upon the back of those less fortunate. Because coin buys an ear in Ul'dah, the Syndicate is one string Rukira uses lightly. Mostly to garner information if need be, or let them turn a blind eye to the less.. favorable habits of hers. As long as the gold flows, they care not.■ Obsidian Court: The Obsidian Court is full of many resources, if not for their well kept secrets to their talented mercenaries, Rukira relies upon them from time to time to take up work. A close relationship of their leader Dovienya was bonded early on, and out of respect she use to stay neutral where the Court is concerned ..However, with new management...■ The Immortals: A mysterious organization that has been on everyone's tongue after the liberation of Ala Mhigo, Rukira has a personal alliance and may be seen dealing with them on occasion.■ Black Market: Rukira helps trade weapons in the East as well as supply drugs to Ul'dahni society to keep their minds busy and pockets loose. Though recently she has lost her star Alchemist, House Michaelis has plenty of stock to last.■ Peculiar Requests: When business is slow Rukira fancies herself a mercenary taking on strange jobs that quirk her interest. With no interest in coin, she looks for something far more valuable...
■ "She's a fuckin' psycho is what she is. Don't know what happened to mess her up so bad, and I don't care. I do know she's the toughest girl I've ever met, and someone I actually enjoy drinking with."-Serick Aster■ "Everyone 's scared o' 'er cause she can be sort o' mean an' scary, but... she's jus' like any ol' other person. Kind, carin', got 'er soft spots. Jus' takes a lil bit o' time an' patience ta get ta 'em." He leans in closer. "I also think she's actually some sort o' killer-assassin but ah can' prove it."-Talan Dracht*■ "She's quite eye-catching, but perhaps not for the reasons you might think. Yes, she's beautiful--- that's the surface. It's the feeling of anxiousness that I get when she stares at me. There's something dangerous beneath the surface--- far too dangerous. That's why I chose her as my retainer: because ultimately that deadliness will come in handy." --Jeannot Fondebrodeur■ "Kira? You're inquiring about Rukira Michaelis? Be it a business inquiry, or a bounty on your head? We can sit and speak if it the former. But if it the latter, my advice friend would be to get away from here as far as possible. Find the biggest rock to hide under, the steepest hill you can climb, or the sturdiest walls you can hide behind. For when that woman has her sights set on you, there is no stopping until the job is done. Entertain me and be the first to prove me wrong." He paused with a smile. "T'would be a shame for the crows to pick off the reapers scraps."--L'ysion Tia
Elam ♥ ✿ ⚔ / Company in HellCharacter Song: The Dreadnoughts Boneyard
"A man who is sly and cunning, I've taken a liking to calling him Jackal. He holds an unfathomable weight of duty upon his shoulders, but with it he offers me a place to belong. I cannot be distracted by such fanciful dreams as he pushes me from my rage and revenge. But, a weak part of me wishes to indulge in his promises. For now my greed takes solace in his company as we leave things unspoken between one another."
└ ... ┓
Erden Himaa ✿ ⚔ / Traveling SageCharacter Song: ELDRIM Gnaal
"The traveler makes far too much sense with that smug look of his and at times I dream of dragging my nails through his skull. But, he has given me a balance of mind and perhaps even purpose to contemplate. If my brother grew old, I wonder if we would share a relationship like I and Erden have? One of respect and significance, but also irksome."
└ Erden tracked Rukira for days with the intent of murdering the 'dark witch'. Intent on finding his lost twin and knowing the two had a connection, Rukira would be quick to clear the confusion and admit she was familiar with his kin. The two would reluctantly agree to work with one another, Erden having a special connection to sense his brother as Rukira sought to find Atlan for her own personal reasons. The two would spend months upon the road tracking his twin and only finding disturbing remnants in his wake. At first Erden hated the very site and Rukira and at the very least she was mildly humoring his remarks. But, over time, the two would begin to bond and see eye to eye with one another. She would learn much from him and begin to focus upon herself and reflect. Though she would never admit it, and would still act petty in his presence, she had come to appreciate and even enjoy his company. After their task was seen through, she would offer him a job and much to her surprise.. he would accept.┓
Estien ♥ ✿ ★ ⚔/ The SinnerCharacter Song: Sagisu Shiro Blood and Guts
"My equal carved from wit and cunning, we have built an empire together. You are my muse as we struggle against the open gates of the Seven Hells to welcome us home. Let chaos wait its turn, you and I still have work to be done. Together forever as one, my beloved."
└ Lost among the seas of Thanalan, he was a man with no name nor past. Living upon the land and killing the beastmen to quell the hunger within him as his clothes were in tatters and burnt. When Rukira first happened upon him, he was like a wild lost beast lashing out aggressively. She would take in the lost and forgotten man giving him a new life and purpose. Calling him 'Sinner' an apt name that would illustrate their relationship with one another. Eventually the two would marry and expand their business across the seas to the East. He would take up the moniker Estien leaving his long forgotten name behind and begin to carve a new life together albeit one riddled in sin.┓

S'lharum ♥ ★/ Vice of PowerCharacter Song: A Perfect Circle Rev 22:20 - Puscifer
"A gift we share has made us inseparable- at one point words that were far more literal. S'lharum has been much like a mentor to me, a comfort, and a vice. An addiction I cannot kick and in time to come perhaps the only one left. Our fates have branched from one another, but when the world around us burns I know he will be there arms wide."
└ During an excavation of an old temple full of lost magic at Varus' behest, Rukira and a few others would enter the ancient halls looking for hidden magic. What lurked within was something far worse, waiting for the right host to enact its will. Rukira beholden to this archaic voice tempted her with honeyed words and promise of power. Back in those days she was a woman bent with revenge and S'lharum offered her the missing piece. All she had to do was let him inside.┓

L'ysion ★ ⚔ / Seeker of ArcaneCharacter Song: The Hoosiers Up To No Good
"Ysion and I roamed the streets as curious children, his desire for knowledge known to me even when he was a small kit before we understood the cruelty of this Star. Even now does he constantly expand his horizons ever seeking answers that will never be good enough to him."
└L'ysion often spent his childhood days out on the street. It was Kesta, Rukira's mother, that brought him inside to her clinic and gave him clothes and food. Often helping around the place, he would help tend to patients and hang with her two children. Rukira became rather obsessed with the young kit, always trying to read what she could with him and learn about the world. He too would eventually join Mask's gang, even if he were incessantly be bullied by the others. Rukira and L'ysion remained at each other's side through it all. Growing up together, he and her knew everything about one another- the two having absolute trust and devotion. Now, the two still work alongside one another even as their paths diverged. He joining the Ossuary and rising among their ranks as Rukira broke off to chase her own pursuits. They still console one another and often speak when given reprieve from their separate responsibilities and frequently does Rukira approach L'ysion for news of any rogue mages the Ossuary throws a bounty up for. A free meal and company of an old friend is never denied. ┓

Demicent Deszeld ⚔ / Monster HunterCharacter Song: Gary Clark Jr. Come Together
"A tenacious man who hunts beasts for sport. He and I are not so different with our insatiable lust for power. He is one to keep an eye on, but for now I can do not but observe his progress."
└ The two first met at a fighting competition. Rukira often would use these opportunities to scout new talent and Demicent sought hardened mercenaries for his growing company. The two spoke for a time with common interest even provoking the woman to be a bit of an exhibitionist. Entering the ring herself be it luck or skill she managed to beat her opponent before they managed to land a hit upon her offering Demicent a confident smirk. From there a budding relationship would grow as both would agree to work with one another. Rukira would take a keen interest in his pursuits, learning what she could of his unique abilities.
Talan Dracht ✿ ⚔ / Humble KnightCharacter Song: Cosmo Sheldrake Come Along
"A man who has matured immensely in the time I have come to known him, Talan treats me as he would any other. He's .. kind in his naivety, but a part of me wishes to indulge in the old days. Even if for just a little bit."
└ Talan first met Rukira when he bought her at a date auction. The two finding such a situation silly to begin with would choose to spar one another instead to test their mettle. They became quick friends and one of the few that could draw a rare smile from Rukira from his antics. She sees a lost part of herself in him and his kindness. Often traveling the Star looking for adventure, Talan is always sure to return to her doorstep with extravagant gifts and daring stories. A simple life. A happy life.┓
Dovienya Cuenn ✿ ⛧ ⚔ / Wilted RoseCharacter Song: Shawn James Burn the Witch
"She and I made a promise long ago and often do I wonder if she is merely a reflection of myself lost upon a separate path in life. Our friendship is secretly competition- at least to me. Although I do regret I was unable to heal her affliction I still enjoy her company. There is comfort in silence and darkness.
└ The persevering lady of the Obsidian Court came from many walks of life. Being nestled within a previous company did she divide and poison her way through the ranks eventually breaking away with a small group to form her own Company. Meeting the eminent woman herself, Rukira was intrigued. The two would hold a similar philosophy above life, seemingly cut from the same cloth. In the days of the Court's infancy, she kept a curious gaze working to help where able. Even, for a time, did she offer her own home as headquarters as they began to look for their own estate. All for the prosperity of her fascination with Dovienya. The woman holds dark, interesting secrets and Rukira wished to devour them. In recent times Lady Cuenn has been absent from her marionette project of the Obsidian Court, but Rukira knew better. That woman always had a plan, constantly scheming. What she intends to do now Rukira can only hope but wait to see it.┓
Enjouhi ⛧ ⚔ / Crimson Inferno
"A woman who draws every eye in a room, even I find myself enthralled. A curiosity that permeants my hatred. She is understanding, kind, yet fierce. All I can do is push her away for fear I may fall to her charms."
└ Enjouhi and Rukira have a peculiar relationship. Though amicable to one another, Rukira can't help but feel a rivalry between the both of them. In a way they are similar and to her it feels like a threat. While Enjouhi spends her time running the Mujihigi, Rukira watches from afar unsure how such a powerful woman can show such compassion and love for others. ┓

S'datih ✿ ⚔ / Lost NomadCharacter Song: BlazBlue Black Onslaught II
"A man who runs from his past, but rekindles my fire with an endless burning passion. When the days grow long he is always there with a bottle to welcome me and a good story. Perhaps a spar or too as well."
└A wandering and skilled martial artist, S'datih was quick to catch Rukira's attention when she was young and still working for Varus. She would insist he be hired and Varus would begrudgingly agree. Those days long past as they would stand back to back against any adversary, now they keep company for one another with old stories and a good bottle of booze. S'datih is a little bit of danger and fun that Rukira needs every so often letting loose and just enjoying the night. Usually with something broken or stolen.┓

Khashim ♥ ⚔ / Battle BrotherCharacter Song: Vigahugr Lust for Battle
"We were born from blood and mud. You a lecherous old drunk dying beneath the tip of an empty bottle, myself.. lost in a way. Yet now we stand as equals upon the battlefield tied by fate and the viscera of our enemies."
└Khashim had quite the bounty on his head some years past. Rukira, wanting to make a name for herself, would find the prestige far too tempting as she would hunt down the man to claim his head. However the two found an understanding with one another and instead of claiming the bounty she would hire him to work for her instead. In the beginning, it was just the two of them and over the long years did they grow fond of one another. For a time they traveled together as lovers, now he helps run one of the brothels down by Horizon for refugee Ala Mhigans. ┓

Mask ✿ ⚔ / Stoic GuardianCharacter Song: MISSIO I See You
"A reminder of my past and where I came from. His silence of my actions is always damning to me."
└ A childhood friend who ran one of the local gangs around the bustling city of Ul'dah, Mask always had an uncanny charisma. He would stay with Rukira long into adulthood even managing to buy a home alongside her own. He acts as a silent reminder as a man with little words. But, when he dares speak, Rukira will always listen. ┓
Varus Rosenthal ♥ ⛧ ⚔ / BetrayerCharacter Song: Made in Abyss The Rumble of Scientific Triumph
"You promised me everything. In the end, you gave me nothing."
└ For a time Rukira worked with Varus as his personal bodyguard. A renown Alchemist and mage, she came to him offering her skills in turn to help with a problem of her own. Varus would constantly challenge her to improve herself, a driving force that would make them lovers for a time as they would sweep the west with conquest and skill. When the time came for Rukira to be paid her dues, he could not save her. Instead he gifted her his own life in exchange eternally damning his soul within the void. A constant reminder and curse that she must think of him and a sacrifice she will never forgive him for.┓

The Crane Wives - Tongues & TeethSon Lux - DangerousQueens of the Stone Age - The Vampyre of Time and MemoryA Perfect Circle -The DoomedThe Marias -I Don't Know YouEcho & The Bunnymen -The Killing MoonBlue Kid - The Dismemberment Song

Thank you taking the time to visit!
Some OOC notes:
Aether dependent, Rukira preys on others to sustain herself. Though this drain can be by touch, blood is far more palpable.If she makes a connection with your PC, over time they may form a symbiotic relationship with one another. I flavor her taking aether from another much like taking their essence. She may adapt their thoughts, feelings, or even see into their memories past or future.Because of this, she is loosely what you may describe as an energy vampire.If you would like to bond with Rukira or perhaps even work for her let me know! She takes on peculiar work and because of this never asks for coin. Your PCs payment would be something of value such as a sentimental heirloom.. or, a glimpse of their life and experiences.
This carrd is not meant to be an exhaustive profile of Rukira. There are chunks of characterization that are purposefully omitted or left vague so that details can be discovered through roleplay. Feel free to use anything present on the hooks or rumors sections freely.I am based out of the Balmung server on the Crystal data center of Final Fantasy XIV, though generally I don't lurk in RP 'hot spots'. If you see my Carrd and are interested in RP let me know! I prefer Discord, but understand RP in game offers immersion.Thematically, I usually prefer more mature and dark scenarios. Rukira is a villain first and foremost generally used to help push the plot of other companies, characters growth, or to help run events. Certain scenes may include gore or violence as the character herself is grounded in it.The line between IC and OOC is very important and I ask you keep cognizant the fact that my character does not share my feelings.
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